#9 Age and the page

Tiny Owl Workshop is a small press in Brisbane, run by Sue Wright. Championed by Queensland Writers Centre and the great Margaret Atwood, the press produces books as well as projects that add contemporary writing to places i’s not usually found. From stories on napkins, to flash fiction on pillows, Tiny Owl works with authors from school age to seniors.

Sue set up her publishing house in her early fifties seeking a creative venture while still working full time. Age hasn’t hindered her success, although it has made her more aware of her need to succeed. Many people assume she has working in publishing for many years, applying her wealth of experience to her new project. In fact, she refers to herself as a ‘publisher-in-training,’ is not afraid of rejection and is constantly adapting her approach. When we met for coffee (I’m addicted!), we talked about how certain phrasing in a short story can reflect the generation of the writer, whether a picture of an older author would deter readers and how older editors might attract older writers.

While I wouldn’t want to define Tiny Owl by the fact it is run by someone over fifty, however its very existence does something positive for age diversity in the publishing industry. Also, the projects they run are lovely. Look!